Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I skipped....

posting on my birthday. Yes, another year gone by. I turned 44 last week. It was good. A friend took us out to lunch. Hugs from my kids. Being sung happy birthday to by the VBS crew and sharing it with a gentleman whose birthday was also the 9th.

I went back to work today. Within a short time I was rather angry. Breezy cannot sit in the clinic with me any more in the mornings. The bad part of that is we are out of district and I have to provide transportation for her. It appears that she will be staying at a friend's house in the mornings and riding the bus with a friend of mine's daughter. It disappoints me alot and I know that it disappoints Breezy. Chaz got to sit in the clinic every morning before school and she can't for her last two years. I feel like she's being cheated of that time with me in the mornings.

In other things, last night was the dry run of Crossover at church. Our youth program is moving to Tuesday nights from Wednesday nights. It was awesome. Crossover has a youth band that absolutely was phenomenal last night. The prayer was awesome. I'm going to work the Turn Life discipleship program, greeting and altar ministry. Chaz is working media and Breezy will work check-in.

Well, shoot, need to scoot for now. more later.


Anonymous said...

HEY!! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! I'd make some kind of old lady jokes but Im going to be 43 in October!! LOL


Deborah Kaye said...

No old lady jokes for us. We're spring chickens! LOL

How are things going in your world? We are back at school. Yah!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh...things are goind well. BUT...MAN!! What about this heat eh? My yard is in tough shape as I just dont want to go out in that heat even in the evening. This is the first summer that Ive had here that Im actually looking forward to the fall!
