Friday, January 19, 2007


This is the easy entry.  I have another post to make that is much deeper and so wanted to do them separately.
Last Saturday, a couple friends and I went to Joanns.  I have a gift card that one of them gave me that was burning a hole in my pocket.  I figured paper is sale so I could get some more.  (Like I needed it? Right?)
Anyway, while I was there, I was wandering the stamp pad aisle and came upon a salesperson and a lady who was trying to find an "embossing buddy."  The salesperson didn't know what it was but I did.  I explained to them that several companies carried different versions of it and what it was used for.  Also that Hobby Lobby (HL) might carry one.
After the salesperson excused herself, I stood and talked with the lady for about 10 minutes or so.  She was also looking for an embossing pad.  I recommended a different type than what she had and told her that she could probably check HL for that one as well.  She asked if I would mind if she called me some time about stamping and maybe we could get together.  I told her yes and gave her my number and she gave me hers.  I also said maybe I'll see you at HL as well because we were headed there next.
It was nearly an hour before we got to HL.  I was wandering through the paint section when she came up and asked me if I would help her with the ink.  I pointed out a VersaMark pad which is what I use for embossing and watermark type stamping.  (They were on sale!  Yah!)
Anyway, I talked to her for a bit more and said goodbye and finished my shopping. 
Note to self:  I managed to make it through 2 craft stores and spent less than 10 bucks.  Now how strange is that but exciting at the same time to exercise that much restraint.  *s*
I called my new friend on Tuesday to see how things went with her embossing.  She said she had some trouble.  I told her that maybe we could get together in a couple weeks maybe we could get together.
Tuesday, I recieved an invite to a new military web site called TogetherWeServed.  Absolutely the best.  Ever.  In less than 24 hours, I located people who I have wondered about for years.  The members names are sorted alphabetically or you can search just through your rating, by NEC or duty station.  There are forums and messaging available.  The traffic is high it appears because the site is having a bit of difficulty keeping up this morning.  But as soon as I can afford it, I'm sending them a donation.  Best thing I've found for finding people in the military yet.  Yah!


Anonymous said...

Crafting....crafting...never anything that I had any interest in. Up until about 2 weeks ago I had never been into Hobby Lobby or Joanns. But then I discovered BEADING!!! (insert scary psycho shower scene music here)Oh My Gosh!! Im addicted!! I signed up for a basics beading class at Joanns that is next Tuesday night and Im annoyed that I have to wait that long!! Ive been totally sucked in. I want to spend every lunch hour at Joanns. I want to sit at my little beading station every night. Man oh Man...I got it bad!!

Deborah Kaye said...


I tried beading starting about October last year. I made a fab watch that everyone loved and had these amazing beads. There is an awesome bead shop at the intersection of Garden and Barrancas in Pcola. You might like it!