This morning, I was digging through my old cd "archives" looking for my "911" disk and found not only it but my blog archives from 2001. The rest of this post will be my blog posts from 9/11/01 and 9/12/01 and images that I saved from the days following 9/11.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2001
What has our world come to????
From headlines today:
"......... Witnesses: Plane Crashes Into World Trade Center
.c The Associated Press
NEW YORK (Sept. 11) - Two planes crashed into the upper floors of both World Trade Center towers minutes apart Tuesday in what the President Bush said was an apparent terrorist attack, blasting fiery, gaping holes in the 110-story buildings. There was no immediate word on deaths or injuries.
Within the hour, an aircraft crashed on a helicopter landing pad near the Pentagon, and the West Wing of the White House was evacuated amid threats of terrorism.
The president ordered a full-scale investigation to ''hunt down the folks who committed this act.''........ "
i'm shaking so bad..... so many people and so much violence.
9:02 AM •
Wednesday, September 12, 2001
The morning after. I was up til 2 am EST listening and watching the news. I was up again at 7 to begin listening again and to get the kids to school. I dropped Chase and Brianne off with a friend. She drove them to school and I headed to Books A Million to pick up copies of the New York Times.
TRAFFIC? Pensacola has 3 bases. All are accessable from Blue Angel Parkway. Entry to NAS Pensacola was back up from the back gate past the Sorrento intersection and down Sorrento road for as far as I could see.
As I was leaving to go to Books A Million, I observed the moment of silence for the victims. The radio station followed with the song "God Bless the USA." I couldn't drive. Just sat there and cried.
After I decided what way to take to the book store I headed out. As I continued my drive up Airport, I saw Ted Ciano's car lot. Normally, he has flags from all over the world flying. Today? He has 3 American flags only flying. All at half mast. Thumbs up.
I made it to Books A Million 35 minutes before they opened. I spent the rest of the time talking to a gentleman who works nights for Life-Flight. We talked about the reaction, the horror. How lives have been shattered and changed forever. He said that there is bounty on the head of Osama bin Laden. He thinks we should take ALL the lotteries of the U.S. for one week and put toward the same bounty on the head of who did this. You know, I agree. Maybe a bounty like that would help. We were joined by a guy from Tennessee who is new to the area who was also looking for the NY Times. A few short minutes later, a lady who has 3 family members who worked in the WTC in NYC. One did not go to work because his time to report to work was after the planes hit the buildings. The other two are unaccounted for. Thank you for your company this morning.
We made it in and bought our editions of the New York Times. I walked back out to the van and sat and cried. The headlines are horrendous. Yes, that is one of the only words i can use to describe this.
There isn't much I can do from here. We can give blood, fly our American flags at half-mast. BACK our president in the swift retaliation of this terrorist act. Show your support for your fellow man. We are all in shock.
I think a great thing would be ~ for all of those business who do not have flags to fly at half mast, use their billboards/signs to show their support and sympathy.
Hug your family and friends. Be sure to say I love you. You never know when it will be the last time.
10:32 AM •
Dear God, what a horrid horrid day. These acts of terrorism are horrendous. So many lives lost.
I sat here this morning for a couple hours and did nothing but cry. I couldn't see. I went to give blood as it's one of the few things I could do, but I had my ears pierced less than a year ago and couldn't.
BUT let me tell ya, we may not be in DC or in NYC or PA..... but the US will pull together.
There were close to 200 people in line at the Northwest Florida Blood bank to donate blood. TK101 broadcast live from there all day. They broadcast full coverage from the time it started until 8pm tonight. Companies brought food and drinks for those waiting to donate blood.
AND this was going on around the U.S. Overseas there is outrage. By the time the count is over there will most likely be over 10,000 dead in NYC alone. The estimates at the Pentagon are 100-800. Everyone on all 4 planes died ~ that's over 250 people.
What have we come to? Tonight I sat and explained to my children and Judy's children what they were seeing on the tv. That there are bad people in the world who don't like the United States and how they help other people. AND try to explain that there are so many people who will never see their mommys and daddy's again.. their sons and daughters.... And to watch their faces as they try to understand.
In under an hour, the entire U.S. came to a screeching halt. The entire commercial air system came to a halt. Buildings evacuated all over the U.S. Military installations are in the max state of security.
12:43 AM •