Friday, October 27, 2006

Keep praying.

I originally signed papers at 13%. Yes, I know high. I'm praying that the loan papers will fall off the table and I can renegotiate elsewhere.

Today while surfing, I found a link for the SHIP program. I think I qualify and that's $15K in grant money toward a purchase.

And pray that the owner will still sell me the house. We really like the house. I can see it so clearly in my head.

Please Lord, help us with this financing thing and the purchase. Amen.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


There's a hiccup in the process for the house. The house has a blue roof and it can't be appraised. Also, the interest rate and payments are at issue.

I'm praying. Please pray as well. I really believe this is the house we are to have.

I'm just having trouble working my head around the issues and the payments.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Happy Birthday Skif!

My baby turned 14 today! Hard to believe.

Happy Birthday Baby!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

This will have to do for now. I've spent two hours trying to get this to something that I can stand to look at.

I've discovered that it's past time for me to learn CSS. Way past time.

As for the rest in our lives, Skif turns 14 tomorrow. Talia is 11. I discovered on Friday that they have grown alot. Skif has grown 14" and Talia 11" in the last two years. Whoa!

Our paperwork for a house has been submitted to a loan processor. Please pray for favor. Favor for a lower interest rate and lower payments.

The house is wonderful. We hope to close on the 1st and move in by the 7th. The kitchen will be redone before we move in.

I'll have to pay an extra month rent on the old place but that gives me extra time to really go through what I no longer want and need to get rid of. It will help make sure the new home is in order to start with rather than running around like a chicken with our heads cut off trying to find things.

More later. I think I'll try email posting again (without the phone number this time) tomorrow.
I have managed to recover all my archives using Google cache. God is so good to give us Google! :o)

I'm thinking since I've done a number on this blog, I may rename it and still keep it on blogspot.

For the time being, I'm trying to rebuild the page with at least my old graphics.
I have just deleted 3 years worth of blogging by accident. I have no history.